Up & Coming Events
- Fri 29th November - Bingo iao East Anglian Air Ambulance
- Fri 13th December - Lucky Christmas Karaoke (Purple Star)
- Fri 20th December - Christmas Quiz iao East Anglian Air Ambulance
- Tue 24th Christmas Eve - Family get together, all welcome, please bring something for a sharing buffet supper - from 8pm
- Fri 27th - Club night, bar open from 8pm
- Tue 31st December - Big ant's New Year Disco - tickets £5 Free for SWSSC members
- Sat 25th Jan 2025 - Burns Night - Tickets* £20 limited number available - Addressing the Haggis, traditional Burns Night Supper etc.
*contact Donna 07876 487294 - Fri 17th Jan - Quiz iao funds for blood pressure monitors for Stradbroke and Fressingfield surgeries
- Friday 31st Jan - Bingo iao funds for blood pressure monitors for Stradbroke and Fressingfield surgeries
- Friday 21st Feb - Quiz iao Hoxne PTA
- Friday 28th Feb - Bingo iao Fressingfield Scouts
- Friday 28th March - Bingo iao Fressingfield Scouts
Our quizzes have continued on a monthly basis - and we are amazed and grateful for the fantastic support you have given to the different organisations we support! Bingo is on the last Friday of the month and is also successfully raising funds for locally nominated charities and good causes, with £220 going to Eye Opportunity Group. Again, bring your own snacks or chocolate and crisps are available at the bar. Be ready to start just after 8pm
The volunteer-manned bar is open every Tuesday and Friday from 8pm. Pool, darts and board games are available. To keep everything legal we ask you to become a member of Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club at an annual cost of £3.50 (£3.00 concs)
You will see that J's Meadow has had the addition of an oak tree which will add to the Queen's Green canopy initiative. Also planted are three Queen Elizabeth II roses to also mark the Platinum jubilee. The pedestrian gate is always open, seating available to gaze at the beautiful view over the Waveney valley!
Please continue to recycle your mixed glass and bags of clean, old clothing in the recycling banks at the hall - monies from these go into village hall funds. Thank you.
Coffee, Chat, Craft continue on the last Thursday of the month from 1.30 to 3pm. Bring along your own craft activity.
The volunteer-manned bar is open every Tuesday and Friday from 8pm. Pool, darts and board games are available. To keep everything legal we ask you to become a member of Syleham and Wingfield Sports and Social club at an annual cost of £3.50 (£3.00 concs)
You will see that J's Meadow has had the addition of an oak tree which will add to the Queen's Green canopy initiative. Also planted are three Queen Elizabeth II roses to also mark the Platinum jubilee. The pedestrian gate is always open, seating available to gaze at the beautiful view over the Waveney valley!
Please continue to recycle your mixed glass and bags of clean, old clothing in the recycling banks at the hall - monies from these go into village hall funds. Thank you.
Coffee, Chat, Craft continue on the last Thursday of the month from 1.30 to 3pm. Bring along your own craft activity.